Around the World Fluxx


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SKU: LOO-127 Category:


Fluxx is a game about change. It begins very simply, with a couple of core rules, and gradually becomes more complex as cards are played that change the rules. Even how you win will be constantly shifting, so you’re never sure who will win until someone does. With the perfect blend of luck and strategy, every game is different!

Travel the world! The ever-changing card game is setting its sites on famous landmarks around the globe. Discover man-made wonders across all 7 continents – it’s got everything from Stonehenge to the Taj Mahal, including the Galápagos Islands, Panama Canal, Angkor Wat and, of course, the Statue of Liberty. Perfect for vacationers or armchair travelers, Around the World Fluxx offers a bonus mini timeline game and can be combined with Across America Fluxx for double the bucket list fun!

Ages 8+
1-6 players
10-30 minute playtime


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