$30 entry
8 Players maximum
April 12, 11AM-Close
3 Mercenaries Salvage Boxes included with purchase
Prizes raffled during and after event
Classic Battletech Salvage Box Tourney
Adapted from rules by Denham Hardman
Force Construction
Each player will receive 3 salvage boxes. Players will use the included Alpha Strike card to
select a variant for each Mech received. If desired, one Mech may be exchanged for an alternate at time
of purchase. The Organizer will be notified of variants selected, and will provide Record Sheets on the
day of the event.
Do not stress over chosen variant or worry about optimization. Going in blind is part of the fun!
Pilot stats will be determined by Mech weight class. The Gunnery (G) and Piloting (P) stats of
each pilot will be assigned as follows:
Weight Class G/P
Light (20-35 Tons) 1/2
Medium (40-55 Tons) 2/3
Heavy (60-75 Tons) 3/4
Assault (80-100 Tons) 4/5
Games will be played on two map sheets, with long edges aligned. 4 players per table
At the start of the game, players roll 2d6 and compare results. Whoever rolls lowest selects a
corner of the play area, and places all three of their Mechs as close to the corner as possible. The player
with the next highest roll then selects a corner and does the same, and so on until all four players have
Players then roll initiative and carry out a free-for-all battle using standard Classic Battletech
rules. Any optional rules must be agreed upon unanimously. Rules for Forced Withdrawal, and ejection
from crippled Mechs highly recommended.
Play until only one Player has Mechs remaining.
If there is time for a second game, the surviving player and the last player eliminated will be
matched with their counterparts from the other table. The first players eliminated from each table will
also be matched. These new groups will carry out another game as above.
Players will receive points of Edge to help balance the superior tech of Clan Mechs on the table.
This will be assigned depending on the highest quantity of Clan Mechs on a team, and how many each
other player has.
Player One has 2 Clan Mechs, Player Two has 1 Clan Mech, Players Three and Four have no
Clan Mechs. Player One receives no Edge, Player Two receives 1 point of Edge, Players Three and
Four each receive 2 points of Edge.
Burning Edge
Edge points can be burned on a roll immediately before it is made or immediately afterward.
Depending on when the Edge points are burned, their effect on the roll can vary significantly.
Before the Roll:
Burning Edge points before a roll is a particular gamble (because there is no guarantee that the
roll will succeed or fail without it). Doing so, however, can increase a character’s chance of success (or
his enemy’s chance of failure) by applying a modifier to the roll equal to twice the number of points of
Edge spent. These points may be applied as a positive or negative modifier at the Edge-burning
player’s discretion, and so can be used as a positive modifier to increase a roll result, or as a negative
modifier to decrease it.
After the Roll:
Edge points burned after a roll can be spent in two ways:
The first modifies the outcome of a roll in the same manner as Edge burned before the roll, but
at a rate of only 1 point per point of Edge burned.
The second method is to force a re-roll, discarding the roll result in favor of a new one. The
player must take this new roll result even if the outcome is less desirable than the original roll.
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